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Flavio Fröhlich (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) | Rational Design of Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation
Located in Talks and Events / Bernstein Seminar / 2014
Christopher Gundlach (MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany) | Modulating somatosensation with transcranial alternating current stimulation
Located in Talks and Events / Bernstein Seminar / 2014
Eberhard Fetz (University of Washington, Seattle) | Bidirectional interactions between the brain and implantable computers
Located in Talks and Events / Bernstein Seminar / 2014
Ido Kanter (Gonda Multidisciplinary Brain Research Center, Bar-Ilan University, Israel) | Reliability and precision of brain functionalities: Ultrafast neuronal plasticity and chaotic dynamics
Located in Talks and Events / Bernstein Seminar / 2014
John Hertz (NORDITA, Stockholm and Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen) | Inferring Network Connectivity from Multineuron Spike Data
Located in Talks and Events / Bernstein Seminar / 2014
Christian Leukel (Department of Sport Science, University of Freiburg) | Inducing neuroplasticity in humans using neurophysiological techniques
Located in Talks and Events / Bernstein Seminar / 2014
Peter Thomas (Department of Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Statistics, Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio) | Measuring edge importance: A quantitative analysis of the stochastic shielding approximation for random processes on graphs
Located in Talks and Events / Bernstein Seminar / 2014
Janine Reis (University Hospital Freiburg) | Modulation of motor skill learning by transcranial direct current stimulation
Located in Talks and Events / Bernstein Seminar / 2014
Maurizio De Pittà (Université de Lyon, France) | Do Astrocytes Compute? Making the point on Neuron-Glia Interactions
Located in Talks and Events / Bernstein Seminar / 2014
Josh Berke (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA) | Modulation of Adaptive Decision-Making by Dopamine
Located in Talks and Events / Bernstein Seminar / 2014