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Board of Directors

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Egert
Managing Director
+49 (0)761 203-7524
Prof. Dr. Christian Leibold
Theoretical Systems Neuroscience

+49 (0)761 203-9546
Prof. Dr. Stefan Rotter
Computational Neuroscience
+49 (0)761 203-9316



Christine Paasch
Administration Coordinator
+49 (0)761 203-9314
Martina Bacher
+49 (0)761 203 9549
Gundel Jaeger
Administration and Website Management
+49 (0)761 203 9549



Prof. Dr. Tonio Ball
Translational Neurotechnology Lab
+49 (0)761 270-93160
Prof. Dr. Marlene Bartos
Systemic and Cellular Neurophysiology
+49 (0)761 203-5194
Prof. Dr. Johann Bollmann
Systems Neuroscience
+49 (0)761 203-2907
Prof. Dr. Ilka Diester
+49 (0)761 203-8440
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Egert
+49 (0)761 203-7524
Prof. Dr. Carola Haas
Experimental Epilepsy Research

+49 (0)761 270-5295-0
Prof. Dr. Christian Leibold
Theoretical Systems Neuroscience

+49 (0)761 203 9546
Prof. Dr. Johannes Letzkus
Institut für Physiologie I

+49 (0)761 203 67312
Dr. Christian Leukel
Neuroscience in Sports
Prof. Dr. Carsten Mehring
Neurobiology and Neurotechnology
+49 (0)761 203-9570
Prof. Dr. Oliver Müller
Philosophy, Ethical Engagement &
Science/Art Projects
+49 (0)761 203-9502
Dr. Nicole Roßkothen-Kuhl
Experimental Auditory Neuroscience
+49 (0)761 270-42730 oder -42650
Prof. Dr. Stefan Rotter
Computational Neuroscience
+49 (0)761 203-9316
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Rühe
Chemistry & Physics of Interfaces
+49 (0)761  203-7161
JProf. Dr. Monika Schönauer
+49 (0)761 270-2475
Prof. Dr. Andreas Schulze-Bonhage
+49 (0)761 270-53660
Prof. Dr. Thomas Stieglitz
Biomedical Microtechnology
+49 (0)761 203-7471
Prof. Dr. Andrew Straw
Neural Circuits and Behavior
+49 (0)761 203-67685
Dr. Julia Veit

+49 761 203-5176
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vlachos

+49 (0)761 203-5056
Apl. Prof. Dr. Dominik von Elverfeldt
Preclinical Imaging
+49 (0)761 270-38320
Prof. Dr. Cornelius Weiller
Neurology and Neurophysiology
+49 (0)761 270-53050


Associated Members

Prof. em. Dr. Ad Aertsen
Neurobiology and Biophysics
+49 (0)761 203-9550
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Hennig
University Medical Center Freiburg 

 +49 (0)761-270-38360
Dr. Philippe Isope
Physiology of Neural Networks

+33 (03)88 456600
Dr. Janina Kirsch
Academic Coordinator

+49 (0)761 203-2894
Prof. Dr. Arvind Kumar
Computational Science and Technology

+46 (0)8 790-62 24
Prof. Dr. Abigail Morrison
Computation in Neural Circuits

+49 (0)2461 61-9805
Dr. Jörn Rickert
CEO and founder of CorTec GmbH



Sven Goedeke
Theoretical Systems Neuroscience

+49 (0)761 203- 
Dr. Meng-Jung Lee
Neurobiology and Neurotechnology        

+49 (0)761 203-67964
Dr. Xiao-Xiong Lin
Theoretical Systems Neuroscience

+49 (0)761 203- 
Dr. Timo Oess
Neurobiology and Neurotechnology

+49 (0)761 203- 
Dr. Patrick Ofner
Neurobiology and Neurotechnology

+49 (0)761 203- 
Dr. Samora Okujeni
+49 (0)761 203-7523
Dr. Hamed Shabani
Theoretical Systems Neuroscience

+49 (0)761 203-67980


PhD Students

Shreya Agarwal
+49 (0)761 203-7523
Swathi Anil
+49 (0)761 203-5109
Richmond L. Crisostomo
+49 (0)761 203-7523
Michael Gerlach
+49 (0)761 203-9313
Philippa Hennessey 49 (0)761 203-67980
Vladislav Ivantaev +49 (0)761 203-67980
Mohammad Joudy +49 (0)761 203-9569
Chockalingam Ramanathan
+49 (0)761 203-67307
Esther Rodríguez Flores
+49 (0)761 203-7523
Benoit Scholtes
+49 (0)761 203-9555
Aadhar Sharma aadhar[dot]sharma[at]
+49 (0)761 203-9504
Wenqing Wei
+49 (0)761 203-9503



Riccardo Catena
Prasannavathan Duraisamy-Kannan
Christian Follert
Nicolas Hofmann
Charlotte Klätte
Maximilian Klein
Gent Mulaku
Agustín Meneses Fuentes
Robin Pelzer
Lovis Würz
Yue Yang
Yutao Zhang



Ahrens, Birgit, Dr.
Ambard, Maxime, Dr.
Angelhuber, Martin, Dr.
Arefin, Tanzil Mahmud, Dr.
Athanasiadis, Markos
Bachmann, Claudia
Bahuguna, Jyotika, Dr.
Bamberger, Philipp
Belardi, Jacob
Benz, Dominik
Bittner, Uta
Boucsein, Clemens, Dr. 
Bozzaro, Claudia
Braun, Daniel, Dr.
Bucurenciu, Ianciu
Capurro, Alberto, Dr.
Cardanobile, Stefano, Dr.
Cardoso de Oliveira, Simone, Dr.
Choi, Hansol, Dr.
Chua, Yam Song, Dr.
Cordeiro, Joacir
Cosandier-Rimélé, Delphine, Dr.
Dancoisne, Florence
Deger, Moritz, Dr.
Deligkaris, Kosmas
Deniz, Taskin, Dr.
De Raedt, Luc, Prof. Dr.
Dini, Patrick
Dohmen, Hanna
Essmann, Boris
Fara, Salvatore, Dr.
Farinha Duarte, Renato Carlos, Dr.
Feldwisch gen. Drentrup, Hinnerk
Fernandez Bujan, Alejandro, Dr.
Filipović, Marko, Dr.
Friedrich, Andreas
Froriep, Ulrich, Dr.
Frotscher, Michael, Prof. Dr.
Galán, Ferran, Dr.
Gallinaro, Júlia, Dr.
Garbers, Christian
Gašparović, Nebojša 
George, Jijo
Goddard, Matthew, Dr.
Grah, Gunnar, Dr.
Grauer, Uwe
Gürel, Tayfun, Dr.
Guy, Julien
Hammer, Jiri
Hanuschkin, Alexander, Dr.
Hassler, Christina
Häussler, Ute, Dr.
Heining, Katharina, Dr.
Helias, Moritz, Dr.
Hennig, Jürgen, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.  
Hirth, Benedict
Hoffmann, Felix
Huetz, Chloe, Dr.
Hunger, Lars
Jachan, Michael, Dr.
Jaeger, Gundel
Jarvis, Sarah, Dr.
Jasper, Anna Ivic, Dr.
Jimenez, Alejandro
Jovanović, Stojan, Dr.
Kandler, Steffen, Dr.
Karvat, Golan, Dr.
Kaube, Holger, Prof. Dr.
Kilias, Antje, Dr.
Kim, Christopher, Dr.
Kirsch, Janina, Dr.
Kobak, Dmitry
Kordovan, Michael, Dr.
Korf, Nils, Dr.
Körner, Edgar, Prof. Dr.
Kowalski, Janina, Dr.
Kremkow, Jens, Dr.
Kriener, Birgit, Dr.
Kukatz, Katja
Kumar, Arvind, Prof. Dr. 
Kumar, Sreedhar Saseendraan, Dr.
Kuppusamy, Aranvindalochanan
Kurz, Alexander, Dr.
Lagzi, Fereshteh, Dr.
Le Bail, Matilde
Levine-Small, Noah, Dr.
Liao, Xiang
Lindsay, Grace
Lu, Han, Dr.
Mahdavi, Ali, Dr.
Mahmoodi, Ali, Dr.
Marhöfer, David
Mengiste, Simachew, Dr.
Merkt, Benjamin, Dr.
Merz, Liliane
Mikkonen, Jarno, Dr.
Mirzaei, Amin, Dr.
Mohagegi Nejad, Mohammad, Dr.
Morrison, Abigail, Prof. Dr. 
Mustafovic, Melisa
Muthmann, Oliver
Maier, Urban
Meier, Ralph, Dr.
Milekovic, Tomislav
Mönig, Nila
Moosmann, Katrin
Muenzner, Gerd
Naranjo Muradas, Jose Rául
Navarro-Crespo, Rodrigo, Dr.
Neitzel, Eva
Niederbühl, Alexander
Niemann, Niclas
Nörenberg, Anja
Padmanabhan, Ajith, Dr.
Pansa, Katrin
Perez-Perrino, Monica, Dr.
Pernice, Volker, Dr.
Podrygajlo, Grzegorz, Dr.
Ponulak, Filip, Dr.
Potjans, Tobias
Potjans, Wiebke
Reimer, Imke
Reinartz, Sebastian
Reulecke, Kari
Richter, Leonidas
Rocha Félix, Tiago M., Dr.
Ronsdorf, Miriam
Rubehn, Birthe
Rüppell, Maximilian, Dr.
Sadeh, Sadra, Dr.
Sauerbier, Marcel
Schäfer, Lisa
Schäfer, Michael
Schiefer, Jonathan, Dr.
Schmidt, Robert, Prof. Dr.
Schmidt, Robin
Schneider, Gerhard, Prof. Dr. 
Schnepel, Philipp, Dr.
Schrader, Sven, Dr.
Schüssler, Friedrich
Spreizer, Sebastian, Dr.
Staiger, Jochen, Prof. Dr.
Staude, Benjamin, Dr.
Suchanek, Dymphie, Dr.
Tabarellli, Marco
Teppola, Heidi
Tetzlaff, Tom, Dr.
Timmer, Jens, Prof. Dr. 
Toledo Suárez, Carlos
Torrejon Torres, Rafael
Prof. Dr. Gerald Urban
Vida, Imre, Prof. Dr.
Vieira Diego M.. Dr. 
Voges, Nicole, Dr.
Vogt, Simon Matthew, Dr.
Vlachos, Ioannis, Dr.
Waldert, Stephan, Dr.
Weihberger, Oliver, Dr.
Weltin, Andreas
Wiebelt, Bernd
Wiegel, Patrick, Dr. 
Winterhalder, Mathias, Dr.
Wörz, Anke, Dr.
Yim, Man Yi, Dr.
Yuk, Hoi Yiu
Zaytsev, Yury, Dr.
Zohar, Mick
Zwick, Stefan, Dr.