The BCF was originally conceived and set up based on several major collaborative research projects funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). These projects, awarded within the framework of the “Bernstein Program”, have provided funding for research, administration, training programs, infrastructure and outreach activities, and this has created the background and environment for numerous smaller and major follow-up projects.
From 2015 to 2020, the Carl Zeiss Foundation has been funding most of our administration, infrastructure and outreach work.
Current Projects

INSelN - Morphogenic Impact of
Inhibitory Neurons in Self-organizing Networks
Period: 2023 - 2026
Funding: DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

NIMA “Non-invasive Interface for Movement Augmentation”
Period: 2020 - 2023
Funding: EU - European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
Completed Projects

Period: 2019 - 2023
Funding: EU Interreg | European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

Period: 2018 - 2022
Funding: Volkswagenstiftung
Research Infrastructure "Computational Neuroscience of Brain Disease"
Period: 2015 - 2020
Funding: Carl Zeiss Foundation
Cluster of Excellence BrainLinks BrainTools
Period: 2012 - 2019
Funding: DFG
Transnational Integration NeuroCampus
Period: 2015 - 2019
Funding: EU Interreg | European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
BrainDisC - International PhD Program in Computational Neuroscience of Brain Disease
Period: 2014 - 2019
Funding: DAAD funding program IPID4all

STIBET I und Stibet II
Period: 2010 - 2015
Funding: DAAD-Stipendien- und Betreuungsprogramm

iCoNet - Promovieren in Deutschland
Period: 2010 - 2014
Funding: DAAD funding program iCoNeT

TriNeuron - Forschung, Innovation, Technologietransfer
Period: 2012 - 2015
Funding: EU Interreg | European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
TIGER - Trinationale Initiative Gehirnerkrankungen
Period: 2012 - 2015
Funding: EU Interreg | European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
NeuroTIME – Neural Processing of Time
Period: 2011 - 2019
Funding: EU – Erasmus Mundus
EuroSPIN – European Study Program in Neuroinformatics
Period: 2010 - 2017
Funding: EU – Erasmus Mundus
Bernstein Focus Neurotechnology “Hybrid Brain” Freiburg*Tübingen (BFNT)
Period: 2008 - 2017
Funding: BMBF

Bernstein Netzwerk Computational Neuroscience (BCOS)
Period: 2007 - 2016
Funding: BMBF
Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience (BCCN)
Period: 2004 - 2013
Funding: BMBF