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Open Positions

The Department of Otolaryngology of the Medical Center - University of Freiburg, Section of Experimental and Clinical Otology, Neurobiological Research Laboratory, Dr. Nicole Rosskothen-Kuhl, is seeking for a Neuroscientific PhD (m/f/d)

Research topic: “Cochlear implants as in vivo sensors (CIAS) – Electrochemical monitoring of the intracochlear microenvironment and electrode stability”, Starting date: 01.07.2024 or later

In the Neurobiology Research Laboratory of our clinic, we primarily investigate the plasticity of the central auditory system under electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve in animal models. We use the most successful neuroprosthesis in the world, the cochlear implant (CI). The aim of this interdisciplinary, DFG-funded project is, together with the chair of Prof. S. Rupitsch (Institute of Microsystems Engineering IMTEK, University of Freiburg), to extend conventional CI electrodes with the function of an in vivo sensor by using novel electrochemical measurement methods and thus to permanently monitor the microenvironment and electrode stability of the implant. To achieve this goal, this project combines innovative techniques such as novel electrochemical measurement methods, an animal model to study the effect of acute and chronic CI stimulation on the auditory system, deafness models and a unique behavioral setup to study the auditory perception of CI-supplied rats.

We offer:

  • participation in an established, highly motivated and committed research group with excellent infrastructure and reputation (e.g. Rosskothen-Kuhl et al., eLife 2021; Weltin, Rosskothen-Kuhl et al., Biosens Bioelectron. 2022; Buck, Rosskothen-Kuhl et al., Sci Rep. 2023)
  • scientific work on an innovative and cutting-edge research topic
  • a translational project between basic auditory neuroscience and clinical research close and direct supervision and intensive training
  • a close research cooperation with one of the world's leading institutes for microsystems technology (IMTEK)
  • a close cooperation with leading international research groups, e.g. with Prof. J. Schnupp
  • continuous support for the development of your scientific profiley/li>

We offer a PhD position (TV-L 13, 65%), limited to 3 years.

Your responsibilities:

  • work with animals in a laboratory environment
  • electrophysiological and electrochemical measurements
  • construction of implants for animal experiments
  • deafening the auditory system of animals
  • measurement of hearing thresholds
  • implantation of CIs in animal models
  • behavioral training of CI-supplied rats (e.g. 2-alternative-forced choice behavioral tests)
  • taxidermy of histological tissue/ immunohistochemical staining of sections
  • analysis of electrophysiological and behavioral data using Python
  • adaptations of the behavioral scripts by using Python

The ideal candidate (m/f/d) should have:

  • a master’s degree in neuroscience, biology, (bio-)engineering or similar disciplines
  • training in (in-vivo) electrophysiology and/or behavioral biology
  • experience and interest in working with animals
  • experience in programming (preferred Python, MathLab)
  • a course on laboratory animal science (FELASA) or the willingness to complete it
  • a keen interest in interdisciplinary hearing research (Neuroscience, medicine, engineering)
  • interest in learning new methods (e.g. surgical techniques, construction of implants, histology)
  • enthusiasm and great commitment to independent and goal-oriented research
  • very good written and spoken proficiency in English and/or German
  • excellent communication and team-working skills
  • exceedingly high motivation and personal initiative

We encourage applicants who have experience in some, but not necessarily all, of the areas mentioned above. This is a starter position for a motivated researcher who wants to expand his/her skills and advance in this field.

Your applications must contain the following documents:
CV, motivation letter, copies of certificates, as well as names and contact details of two referees.

The application deadline is the 24.05.2024.
Please send all documents by e-mail (attachments in pdf format) to:
Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
Klinik für HNO-Heilkunde, Sektion Experimentell-klinische Otologie, Neurobiologisches Forschungslabor
Dr. Nicole Rosskothen-Kuhl
Killianstr. 5, 79106 Freiburg (Germany)
For further information, please contact Dr. Rosskothen-Kuhl (email or phone: +49 (0)761/270-42730).

Der Lehrstuhl für Biomikrotechnik des Instituts für Mikrosystemtechnik
sucht eine/n BTA/MTA Vertretung (25%), Eintrittstermin: nächstmöglich

Zur vorübergehenden Unterstützung unseres Labors suchen wir eine technische Assistenz (BTA oder MTA). Ihr Tätigkeitsfeld umfasst Aufgaben im Bereich der Charakterisierung und Betreuung von Primärkulturen von Neuronen, Vorbereitung von Zellkulturen, Immunohistochemie, Mikroskopie sowie allgemeine Labororganisation.

Da die Stelle kurzfristig besetzt werden soll, wünschen wir uns eine/n Mitarbeiter*in, die/der bereits Erfahrung in einem Zellkulturlabor hat. Die Arbeitszeiten sind flexibel, dadurch ist die Stelle zur Ergänzung einer weiteren Stelle geeignet.

Gute Englischkenntnisse und grundlegende Computerfertigkeiten (Office) werden vorausgesetzt. Die Stelle soll zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt besetzt werden und ist zunächst auf 6 Monate befristet. Die Vergütung ist bei Vorliegen der Voraussetzungen bis nach TV-L E9 möglich.

Bewerbungen schicken Sie bitte per email an Frau Gundel Jaeger ().  
Für nähere Informationen steht Ihnen Prof. Ulrich Egert unter Tel. 0761-203 7524 oder per Email ( zur Verfügung.

 PhD and Postdoc Positions at the SGBM

Join us by applying to the Spemann Graduate School for Biology & Medicine.
Instructions on how to apply are detailed on the SGBM website.


 Postdoc Positions at the University of Freiburg

Please contact the individual scientists if you are interested in a Postdoc position.

 Student Positions at the University of Freiburg

Please contact the individual scientists if you are interested in a student position.