Prof. Dr. Stefan Rotter
Professor of Computational Neuroscience
Bernstein Center Freiburg and Faculty of Biology
University of Freiburg
Hansastr. 9a
79104 Freiburg, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)761 203-9316
Fax: +49 (0)761 203-9559
Research Interests
My Computational Neuroscience Laboratory comprises a team of theoreticians from mathematics, physics, biology and various engineering sciences. We are interested in the relations between structure, dynamics and function of the neuronal networks of the brain, with a specific focus on the mammalian neocortex. Our work involves modeling and data analysis of (i) multi-scale neuronal network topology, (ii) spiking activity dynamics of recurrent networks, (iii) functional and/or structural synaptic plasticity and learning networks, as well as (iv) biological function and dysfunction of neuronal networks. Mathematical (deterministic and stochastic) as well as computational methods (large-scale numerical simulations) are employed. The goal is to develop a network-based theory of the brain which also supports a better understanding of the neuronal mechanisms underlying some brain diseases.
Research Topics
- Computational neuroscience & brain theory
- Relations between structure, dynamics & function in neuronal networks
- Spiking activity dynamics in recurrent networks
- Dynamic ensemble coding in structured networks
- Dynamic graphs and self-organizing networks
- Stochastic modeling of neuronal activity (e.g. stochastic point processes)
- Stochastic modeling of neuronal networks (e.g. dynamic graph models)
- Advanced statistical data analysis (e.g. higher-order correlations)
- Large-scale numerical simulations
Academic Background
- 2003: Habilitation in Neurobiology/Biophysics, University of Freiburg
- 1994: PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) in Physics, University of Tübingen
- 1989 – 1992: PhD studies in Neuroscience, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
and University of Tübingen - 1989: Diploma (MSc) in Mathematics, University of Hamburg
- 1982 – 1989: Studies in Mathematics and Physics, University of Regensburg (Germany),
Brandeis University Waltham (USA) and University of Hamburg (Germany)
Research Positions
- since 2008: Professor of Computational Neuroscience (full professor, W3)
Faculty of Biology & Bernstein Center Freiburg, University of Freiburg - 2002 – 2008: Staff Scientist (tenured), Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience
Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health, Freiburg;
Senior Scientist and Lecturer, Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg - 1996 – 2002: Research Assistant (C1) of Theoretical Neurobiology and Biophysics
Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg - 1993 – 1996: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Tübingen - 1989 – 1992: Research Associate
Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen
Professional Activities
- since 2009: Founding Member and Managing Director of the Bernstein Center Freiburg
- 2012: Instructional Development Award (IDA), together with Dr. Janina Kirsch
- since 2012: Principal Investigator in the Cluster of Excellence BrainLinks-BrainTools,
2015 - 2020 member of its Executive Board - since 2017: Member of the Steering Committee of the Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience
- 2015 – 2019: Member of the Executive Committee of the German Neuroscience Society (GNS) and Spokesperson of the Section Computational Neuroscience
- since 2013: Appointed representative in the User Committee for large-scale IT infrastructures in the State of Baden-Württemberg (bwHPC, bwData), since 2020 elected spokesperson of the User Committee
- since 2018: Co-spokesperson of the “NFDI Neuroscience” initiative
- 2022 - 2024: Member of the DFG Review Board “206-03 Experimental and Theoretical Network Neuroscience
In German
- Böttinger L
Podcast: Neujahrsvorsätze? Eine Freiburger Neuropsychologin erklärt, wie wir sie durchziehen
Badische Zeitung, veröffentlicht am 04. Januar 2024 auf - Lernen und Verlernen: Was dabei im Hirn geschieht
Interview von Martin Claßen (people&work) mit Prof. Stefan Rotter
people & work, Heft 1/22, Januar 2022, Seite 36 - Förster-Ribet C
Zwei Freiburger Hirnforscher erklären, was aktuell geforscht wird (Interview mit Ad Aertsen und Stefan Rotter)
Badische Zeitung, Bildung und Wissen, 24. Oktober 2021
- Rotter S
Werkzeuge - Innovative Algorithmen für die Analyse neuronaler Daten
In der Zukunft denken. Bernstein Feature, 30, 2019 - Rotter S
Mit Modellen und Simulationen die Plastizität des Gehirns verstehen
In der Zukunft denken. Bernstein Feature, 32, 2019
- Rotter S, Neuroscience: Dem Denken und Fühlen auf der Spur
Changement 03: 30-32, 2018 - Veit M, Aertsen A, Egert U, Rotter S
Es ist wie eine Familie zu gründen und Eltern zu werden
Wissenschaftsmanagement, Ausgabe 3/2016 - Albaum K, Devant M, Veit M, Rotter S
Das Gehirn im Rechner
Surprising Science, Universität Freiburg, 08/2016 - B Wiebelt, M Janczyk, D von Suchodoletz, A Aertsen, S Rotter, G Quast, M Schumacher, A Greiner
Strukturvorschlag für eine bwHPC-Governance der ENM-Community
In: D von Suchodoletz, JC Schulz, J Leendertse, H Hotzel, M Wimmer (Hrsg.)
Kooperation von Rechenzentren: Governance und Steuerung - Organisation, Rechtsgrundlagen, Politik
De Gruyter, Oldenburg, 2016 - Müller O, Rotter S
Neurotechnologie: Aktuelle Entwicklungen und ethische Fragen
FIfF-Kommunikation 2/2016 - Rotter S
Ein Computermodell für die Sehrinde
In: Aktuelle Ergebnisse der Gesundheitsforschung
Newsletter 78, April 2016 - Ahrens B, Rotter S
Promotion bei Mutter, Vater, Onkel und Tante
Deutsche Universitätszeitung 09, 2015 - Rotter S, Kirsch J
Interdisziplinärer Ausbildungspfad in den Neurowissenschaften
In: Albert‐Ludwigs‐Universität Freiburg (Hg.)
Kreativ, Innovativ, Motivierend – Lehrkonzepte in der Praxis, 2015 - Grah G, Rotter S
Von Neuronen zu Netzwerken. Mathematische Gehirnmodelle
Biologie in unserer Zeit 39(6): 418-425, 2009
Articles in Journals
Under Review
- Wei W, Merkt B, Rotter S
Neuronal selectivity for multiple features in the primary visual cortex
bioRxiv (pdf) - Lu H, Frase L, Normann C, Rotter S
Resolving inconsistent effects of tDCS on learning using a homeostatic structural plasticity model
bioRxiv (pdf) - Wei W, Rotter S
The role of cortico-thalamic feedback for visual information processing
bioRxiv (pdf)
- Schulze-Bonhage A, Nitsche MA, Rotter S, Focke NK, Rao VR
Neurostimulation targeting the epileptic focus: Current understanding and perspectives for treatment
Seizure 117: 183-192, 2024 (pdf)
- Anil S, Lu H, Rotter S, Vlachos A
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) triggers
dose-dependent homeostatic rewiring in recurrent neuronal networks
PLOS Computational Biology 19(11): e1011027, 2023 (pdf)
- Lu H, Gallinaro JV, Normann C, Rotter S, Yalçın I
Time Course of Homeostatic Structural Plasticity in Response to Optogenetic Stimulation in Mouse Anterior Cingulate Cortex
Cerebral Cortex 32(8): 1574-1592, 2022 (pdf | synopsis) - Gallinaro J, Gašparović N, Rotter S
Homeostatic control of synaptic rewiring in recurrent networks induces the formation of stable memory engrams
PLOS Computational Biology 18(2): e1009836, 2022 (pdf | synopsis) - Pfaffelhuber P, Rotter S, Stiefel J
Mean-field limits for non-linear Hawkes processes with excitation and inhibition
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 153: 57-78, 2022 (pdf)
- Spreizer S, Senk J, Rotter S, Diesmann M, Weyers B
NEST Desktop, an Educational Application for Neuroscience
eNeuro 8(6): ENEURO.0274-21.2021,2021 (pdf | synopsis)
- Nejad MM, Rotter S, Schmidt R
Basal ganglia and cortical control of thalamic rebound spikes
European Journal of Neuroscience 54: 4295–4313, 2021 (pdf)
- Kordovan M, Rotter S
Spike Train Cumulants for Linear-Nonlinear Poisson Cascade Models
arXiv: 2001.05057 [q-bio.NC], 2020 (pdf)
- Lagzi F, Atay FM, Rotter S
Bifurcation analysis of the dynamics of interacting subnetworks of a spiking network
Scientific Reports 9(1): 11397, 2019 (pdf) - Merkt B, Schüßler F, Rotter S
Propagation of orientation selectivity in a spiking network model of layered primary visual cortex
PLOS Computational Biology 15(7): e1007080, 2019 (pdf | synopsis) - Lu H, Gallinaro J, Rotter S
Network remodeling induced by transcranial brain stimulation: A computational model of tDCS-triggered cell assembly formation
Network Neuroscience 3(4): 924-943, 2019 (pdf | synopsis)
- Buccino AP, Kordovan M, Bækø Ness TV, Merkt B, Häfliger PD, Fyhn M, Cauwenberghs G, Rotter S, Einevoll GT
Combining biophysical modeling and deep learning for multi-electrode array neuron localization and classification
Journal of Neurophysiology 120: 1212-1232, 2018 (pdf | synopsis) - Lennartz C, Schiefer J, Rotter S, Hennig J, LeVan P
Sparse Estimation of Resting-State Effective Connectivity from fMRI Cross-Spectra
Frontiers in Neuroscience 12: 287, 2018 (pdf | synopsis) - Gallinaro JV, Rotter S
Associative properties of structural plasticity based on firing rate homeostasis in recurrent neuronal networks
Scientific Reports 8: 3754, 2018 (pdf | synopsis) - Schiefer J, Niederbühl A, Pernice V, Lennartz C, LeVan P, Hennig J, Rotter S
From Correlation to Causation: Estimation of Effective Connectivity from Continuous Brain Signals based on Zero-Lag Covariance
PLOS Computational Biology 14(3): e1006056, 2018 (pdf | synopsis)
- Müller O, Rotter S
Neurotechnology: Current Developments and Ethical Issues
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 11: 93, 2017 (pdf | synopsis) - Deniz T, Rotter S
Joint statistics of strongly correlated neurons via dimensionality reduction
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 50(25): 254002, 2017 (pdf) - Deniz T, Rotter S
Solving the two-dimensional Fokker-Planck equation for strongly correlated neurons
Physical Review E 95: 012412, 2017 (pdf | synopsis)
- Jovanović S, Rotter S
Interplay between graph topology and correlations of third order in spiking neuronal networks
PLOS Computational Biology 12(6): e1004963, 2016 (pdf | synopsis)
- Lagzi F, Rotter S
Dynamics of competition between subnetworks of spiking neuronal networks in the balanced state
PLOS ONE 10(9): e0138947, 2015 (pdf | synopsis) - Sadeh S, Clopath C, Rotter S
Emergence of functional specificity in balanced networks with synaptic plasticity
PLOS Computational Biology 11(6): e1004307, 2015 (pdf | synopsis) - Sadeh S, Clopath C, Rotter S
Processing of feature selectivity in cortical networks with specific connectivity
PLOS ONE 10(6): e0127547, 2015 (pdf | synopsis) - Jovanović S, Hertz J, Rotter S
Cumulants of Hawkes point processes
Physical Review E 91: 042802, 2015 (pdf | synopsis) - Sadeh S, Rotter S
Orientation selectivity in inhibition-dominated networks of spiking neurons: effect of single neuron properties and network dynamics
PLOS Computational Biology 11(1): E1004045, 2015 (pdf | synopsis)
- Lagzi F, Rotter S
A Markov model for the temporal dynamics of balanced random networks of finite size
Frontiers of Computational Neuroscience 8: 142, 2014 (pdf | synopsis) - Sadeh S, Rotter S
Distribution of orientation selectivity in recurrent networks of spiking neurons with different random topologies
PLOS ONE 9(12): e114237, 2014 (pdf | synopsis) - Yim MY, Kumar A, Aertsen A, Rotter S
Impact of correlated inputs to neurons: Modeling observations from in vivo intracellular recordings
Journal of Computational Neuroscience 37(2): 293-304, 2014 (pdf | synopsis) - Sadeh S, Cardanobile S, Rotter S
Mean-field analysis of orientation selectivity in inhibition-dominated networks of spiking neurons
SpringerPlus 3(1): 148, 2014 (pdf | synopsis) - Kriener B, Helias M, Rotter S, Diesmann M, Einevoll GT
How pattern formation in ring networks of excitatory and inhibitory spiking neurons depends on the input current regime
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 7: 187, 2014 (pdf) - Sadeh S, Rotter S
Statistics and geometry of orientation selectivity in primary visual cortex
Biological Cybernetics 108: 631–653, 2014, published online 2013 (pdf | synopsis)
- Pernice V, Deger M, Cardanobile S, Rotter S
The relevance of network micro-structure for neural dynamics
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 7: 72, 2013 (pdf | synopsis) - Reimer ICG, Staude B, Boucsein C, Rotter S
A new method to infer higher-order spike correlations from membrane potentials
Journal of Computational Neuroscience 35(2): 169-186, 2013 (pdf | synopsis) - Yim M-Y, Aertsen A, Rotter S
Impact of intrinsic biophysical diversity on the activity of spiking neurons
Physical Review E 87: 032710, 2013 (pdf | synopsis) - Pernice V, Rotter S
Reconstruction of connectivity in sparse neural networks from spike train covariances
Journal of Statistical Mechanics P03008, 2013 (pdf | synopsis)
- Ambard M, Rotter S
Support vector machine using synaptic kernels for spike pattern classification
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 6: 78, 2012 (pfd | synopsis)
- Deger M, Helias M, Rotter S, Diesmann M
Spike-timing dependence of structural plasticity explains cooperative synapse formation in the neocortex
PLOS Computational Biology 8(9): e1002689, 2012 (pdf | synopsis)
- Cardanobile S, Pernice V, Deger M, Rotter S
Inferring general relations between network characteristics from specific network ensembles
PLOS ONE 7(6): e37911, 2012 (pdf | synopsis) - Reimer I, Staude B, Ehm W, Rotter S
Modeling and analyzing higher-order correlations in non-Poissonian spike trains
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 208: 18–33, 2012 (pdf | synopsis) - Pernice V, Staude B, Cardanobile S, Rotter S
Recurrent interactions in spiking networks with arbitrary topology
Physical Review E 85: 031916, 2012 (pdf | synopsis)
- Deger M, Helias M, Boucsein C, Rotter S
Statistical properties of superimposed stationary spike trains
Journal of Computational Neuroscience 32(3): 443-463, 2012; Epub ahead of print, 2011 - Cardanobile S, Rotter S
Emergent properties of interacting populations of spiking neurons
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 5: 59, 2011 - Kumar A, Cardanobile S, Rotter S, Aertsen A
The role of inhibition in generating and controlling Parkinson’s disease oscillations in the basal ganglia
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 5: 86, 2011 - Voges N, Aertsen A, Rotter S
Structural models of cortical networks with long-range connectivity
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 484812, 2011 - Braun DA, Aertsen A, Paz R, Vaadia E, Rotter S, Mehring C
Online adaptation and over-trial learning in macaque visuomotor control
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 5: 27, 2011 - Pernice V, Staude B, Cardanobile S, Rotter S
How Structure Determines Correlations in Neuronal Networks
PLOS Computational Biology 7(5): e1002059, 2011 - Helias M, Deger M, Rotter S, Diesmann M
Finite post synaptic potentials cause a fast neuronal response
Focused Review, Frontiers in Neuroscience 5: 19, 2011
- Helias M, Deger M, Rotter S, Diesmann M
Instantaneous non-linear processing by pulse-coupled threshold units
PLOS Computational Biology 6(9): e10000929, 2010 - Kumar A, Rotter S, Aertsen A
Spiking activity propagation in neuronal networks - Reconciling different perspectives on neural coding
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 11(9): 615-627, 2010 - Deger M, Helias M, Cardanobile S, Atay F, Rotter S
Nonequilibrium dynamics of stochastic point processes with refractoriness
Physical Review E 82(2): 021129, 2010 - Voges N, Schüz A, Aertsen A, Rotter S
A modeler's view on the spatial structure of intrinsic horizontal connectivity in the neocortex
Progress in Neurobiology 92(3): 277-292, 2010 - Staude B, Grün S, Rotter S
Higher-order correlations in non-stationary parallel spike trains: statistical modeling and inference
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 4: 16, 2010 - Jarvis S, Rotter S, Egert U
Extending stability through hierarchical clusters in Echo State Networks
Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 4: 11, 2010 - Cardanobile S, Rotter S
Multiplicatively interacting point processes and applications to neural modeling
Journal of Computational Neuroscience 28(2): 267-284, 2010
- Voges N, Guijarro C, Aertsen A, Rotter S
Models of cortical networks with long-range patchy projections
Journal of Computational Neuroscience 28(1): 137-154, 2010 - Helias M, Deger M, Diesmann M, Rotter S
Equilibrium and response properties of the integrate-and-fire neuron in discrete time
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 3: 29, 2010
- Gürel T, Rotter S, Egert U
Functional identification of biological neural networks using reservoir adaptation for point processes
Journal of Computational Neuroscience 29(1-2): 279-299, 2010; Epub ahead of print, 2009 - Staude B, Rotter S, Grün S
CuBIC: cumulant based inference of higher-order correlations in massively parallel spike trains
Journal of Computational Neuroscience 29(1-2): 327-350, 2010; Epub ahead of print, 2009
- Rickert J, Riehle A, Aertsen A, Rotter S, Nawrot MP
Dynamic encoding of movement direction in motor cortical neurons
The Journal of Neuroscience 29(44): 13870-13882, 2009 - Kriener B, Helias M, Aertsen A, Rotter S
Correlations in spiking neuronal networks with distance dependent connections
Journal of Computational Neuroscience 27(2): 177-200, 2009
- Helias M, Rotter S, Gewaltig M-O, Diesmann M
Structural plasticity controlled by calcium based correlation detection
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 2: 7, 2008
- Atmanspacher H, Rotter S
Interpreting neurodynamics: concepts and facts
Cognitive Neurodynamics 2(4): 297-318, 2008 - Kumar A, Rotter S, Aertsen A
Conditions for propagating synchronous spiking and asynchronous firing rates in a cortical network model
The Journal of Neuroscience 28(20): 5268-5280, 2008 - Kriener B, Tetzlaff T, Aertsen A, Diesmann M, Rotter S
Correlations and population dynamics in cortical networks
Neural Computation 20: 2185-2226, 2008 - Staude B, Rotter S, Grün S
Can spike coordination be differentiated from rate covariation?
Neural Computation 20: 1973-1999, 2008 - Tetzlaff T, Rotter S, Stark E, Abeles M, Aertsen A, Diesmann M
Dependence of neuronal correlations on filter characteristics and marginal spike-train statistics
Neural Computation 20: 2133-2184, 2008 - Nawrot MP, Boucsein C, Rodriguez Molina V, Riehle A, Aertsen A, Rotter S
Measurement of variability dynamics in cortical spike trains
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 169: 374-390, 2008 - Kumar A, Schrader S, Aertsen A, Rotter S
The high-conductance state of cortical networks
Neural Computation 20(1): 1-43, 2008
- Gürel T, Egert U, Kandler S, De Raedt L, Rotter S
Predicting spike activity in neuronal cultures
In: Si J, Sun R (eds), Proceedings of the IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Orlando, FL, 2007
- Ehm W, Staude B, Rotter S
Decomposition of neuronal assembly activity via empirical de-Poissonization
Electronic Journal of Statistics 1: 473-495, 2007 - Gürel T, De Raedt L, Rotter S
Mining structure-activity relations in biological neural networks using NeuronRank
Hammer B, Hitzler P (eds), Perspectives of Neural-Symbolic Integration,
Springer-Series in Computational Intelligence, volume 77, chapter 3, 47-63, 2007 - Shin S-L, Rotter S, Aertsen A, De Schutter E
Stochastic description of complex and simple spike firing in cerebellar Purkinje cells
European Journal of Neuroscience 25(3): 785-794, 2007 - Nawrot MP, Boucsein C, Rodriguez Molina V, Aertsen A, Grün S, Rotter S
Serial interval statistics of spontaneous activity in cortical neurons
Neurocomputing 70: 1717-1722, 2007 - Voges N, Aertsen A, Rotter S
Statistical analysis of spatially embedded networks: From grid to random node positions
Neurocomputing 70: 1833-1837, 2007 - Gürel T, De Raedt L, Rotter S
Ranking the neurons for mining structure-activity relations in biological neural networks: NeuronRank
Neurocomputing 70: 1897-1901, 2007 - Kremkow J, Kumar A, Rotter S, Aertsen A
Emergence of population synchrony in a layered network model of the cat visual cortex
Neurocomputing 70: 2069-2073, 2007
2006 and earlier
- Rickert J, Cardoso de Oliveira S, Vaadia E, Aertsen A, Rotter S, Mehring C
Encoding of movement direction in different frequency ranges of motor cortical local field potentials
The Journal of Neuroscience 25(39): 8815-8824, 2005
- Boucsein C, Nawrot MP, Rotter S, Aertsen A, Heck D
Controlling synaptic input patterns in vitro by dynamic photo stimulation
Journal of Neurophysiology 94(4): 2948-2958, 2005 - Kuhn A, Aertsen A, Rotter S
Neuronal integration of synaptic input in the fluctuation-driven regime
The Journal of Neuroscience 24(10): 2345-2356, 2004 - Mehring C, Rickert J, Vaadia E, Cardoso de Oliveira S, Aertsen A, Rotter S
Inference of hand movements from local field potentials in monkey motor cortex
Nature Neuroscience 6(12): 1253-1254, 2003
- Gütig R, Aharonov R, Rotter S, Sompolinsky H
Learning input correlations through nonlinear temporally asymmetric Hebbian plasticity
The Journal of Neuroscience 23(9): 3697-3714, 2003 - Nawrot MP, Aertsen A, Rotter S
Elimination of response latency variability in neuronal spike trains
Biological Cybernetics 88(5): 321-334, 2003 - Gütig R, Aertsen A, Rotter S
Analysis of higher-order neuronal interactions based on conditional inference
Biological Cybernetics 88(5): 352-359, 2003 - Mehring C, Rickert J, Cardoso de Oliveira S, Vaadia E, Aertsen A, Rotter S
Hints for a topographic map of tuning properties in primate motor cortex
1st International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering 28-31, 2003 - Kuhn A, Aertsen A, Rotter S
Higher-order statistics of input ensembles and the response of simple model neurons
Neural Computation 15(1): 67-101, 2003 - Egert U, Knott T, Schwarz C, Nawrot M, Brandt A, Rotter S, Diesmann M
MEA-Tools: an open source toolbox for the analysis of multi-electrode data with Matlab
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 117(1): 33-42, 2002
- Kuhn A, Rotter S, Aertsen A
Correlated input spike trains and their effects on the response of the leaky integrate-and-fire neuron
Neurocomputing 44-46: 121-126, 2002 - Gütig R, Aertsen A, Rotter S
Statistical significance of coincident spikes: Count-based versus rate-based statistics
Neural Computation 14(1): 121-153, 2002 - Diesmann M, Gewaltig M-O, Rotter S, Aertsen A
State space analysis of synchronous spiking in cortical networks
Neurocomputing 38-40: 565-571, 2001
- Nawrot M, Aertsen A, Rotter S
Single-trial estimation of neuronal firing rates - From single neuron spike trains to population activity
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 94(1): 81-92, 1999
- Rotter S, Diesmann M
Exact digital simulation of time-invariant linear systems with applications to neuronal modeling
Biological Cybernetics 81(5/6): 381-402, 1999 - Reimann S, Fuster JM, Gierer A, Mayer-Kress G, Neumann T, Roelfsema P, Rotter S, Schöner G, Stephan A, Vaadia E, Walter H
Emergent properties of natural and artificial systems
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 53c(7/8): 770-774, 1998 - Rotter S, Aertsen A
Accurate spike synchronization in cortex
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 53c(7/8): 686-690, 1998 - Baier H, Rotter S, Korsching S
Connectional topography in the zebrafish olfactory system: Random positions but regular spacing of sensory neurons projecting to an individual glomerulus
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 91: 11646-11650, 1994 - Aertsen A, Vaadia E, Abeles M, Ahissar E, Bergman H, Karmon B, Lavner Y, Margalit E, Nelken I, Rotter S
Dynamics of coherence in cortical neural activity: Experimental observations and functional interpretations
International Journal of Neural Systems (Suppl.) 105-114, 1992 - Aertsen A, Vaadia E, Abeles M, Ahissar E, Bergman H, Karmon B, Lavner Y, Margalit E, Nelken I, Rotter S
Neural interactions in the frontal cortex of a behaving monkey: Signs of dependence on stimulus context and behavioral state
Journal für Hirnforschung 32: 735-743, 1991
- Grün S, Rotter S (eds)
Analysis of Parallel Spike Trains
Springer Series in Computational Neuroscience, Volume 7, 2010
ISBN 978-1-4419-5674-3 - Rotter S
Wechselwirkende stochastische Punktprozesse als Modell für neuronale Aktivität in Neocortex der Säugetiere
Reihe Physik, Bd. 21
Verlag Harri Deutsch, Thun, Frankfurt am Main, 1994
ISBN 3-8171-1375-7
Book Chapters, Editorials, etc.
- Rotter S
Neuronal Spike Trains and Stochastic Point Processes. Why George Gerstein’s Papers are Still Worth Reading.
Chapter 2 In: Aertsen A, Grün S, Maldonado PE, Palm G (eds): Introducing Computation to Neuroscience. Selected Papers of George Gerstein, Springer Series in Computational Neuroscience, 2023 (pdf | synopsis) - Wachtler T, Bauer P, Denker M, Grün S, Hanke M, Klein J, Oeltze-Jafra S, Ritter P, Rotter S, Scherberger H, Stein A, Witte OW
NFDI-Neuro: building a community for neuroscience research data management in Germany
Neuroforum, 2020 (pdf) - Rotter S Computational Tools - Innovative Algorithms for Neuronal Data Analysis Thinking in the Future. Bernstein Feature, 31, 2019 (pdf)
- Rotter S Understanding the Plasticity of the Brain through Models and Simulations Thinking in the Future. Bernstein Feature, 33, 2019 (pdf)
- Rosskothen-Kuhl N, Hofmann UG, Rotter S, Kral A, Hubka P, Schnupp JW
Next generation cochlear implants require microsecond binaural synchronization.
41st International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC), 2019 - Rosskothen-Kuhl N, Rotter S, Hofmann U, Hubka P
Identifying functional biomarkers for responsive control of cochlear implants
52nd Annual Conference of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering (BMT), 2018 - Schiefer J, Rotter S
Estimation of cerebral network structure
Proceedings of the 3rd bwHPC-Symposium, Heidelberg, 2016 - Niederbühl A, Pernice V, Rotter S
Inferring causation from correlation in sparse networks
ECML 2014, Neural Connectomics Workshop – From Imaging to Connectivity. Nancy, France, 2014 (pdf) - Jarvis S, Rotter S, Egert U
Increased robustness and intermittent dynamics in structured Reservoir Networks with feedback
European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning,
ESANN 2011 proceedings, 111-116, 2011 - Atmanspacher H, Rotter S
On determinacy or its absence in the brain
In: Swinburne R (ed)
Free Will and Modern Science, 84-101
Oxford University Press, 2011 - Staude B, Grün S, Rotter S
Higher-order correlations and cumulants
In: Grün S, Rotter S (eds)
Analysis of Parallel Spike Trains
Springer Series in Computational Neuroscience, Volume 7, 2010 - Cardanobile S, Rotter S
Simulation of stochastic point processes with defined properties
In: Grün S, Rotter S (eds)
Analysis of Parallel Spike Trains
Springer Series in Computational Neuroscience, Volume 7, 2010 - Fukai T, Ikegaya Y, Rotter S
Analysis and modeling of massively parallel neural signals
Neural Networks, Special Issue 23(6): 667-668, 2010 - Aertsen A, Diesmann M, Gewaltig M-O, Grün S, Rotter S
Neural Dynamics in Cortical Networks – Precision of Joint-Spiking Events
In: Complexity in Biological Information Processing, 193-207
Wiley, Chichester, 2001 - Rotter S, Aertsen A
Cortical Dynamics – Experiments and Models
Lehnertz K, Arnhold J, Grassberger P, Elger CE (eds) Chaos in Brain? 3-12
World Scientific, Singapore, 2000 - Grün S, Rotter S
Concepts of Neuronal Cooperativity in the Cortex
In: Elsner N, Eysel U (eds) From Molecular Neurobiology to Clinical Neuroscience, 358-363
Thieme, Stuttgart, 1999 - Aertsen A, Diesman M, Gewaltig M-O, Heck D, Rotter S
Dynamische Organisation von Hirnaktivität – Mechanismen und Funktion
In: Experimentelle und theoretische Hirnforschung: II. Sinneswahrnehmung, sensomotorische Koordination, neuronale Informationsverarbeitung
Freiburger Universitätsblätter 135: 93-115
Rombach, Freiburg, 1997 - Rotter S
Biophysical Aspects of Cortical Networks
In: Torre V, Conti F (eds) Proceedings of the NATO ASI: Neurobiology – Ionic Channels, Neurons, and the Brain, 355-369
Plenum, New York, 1996 - Rotter S, Heck D, Aertsen A
Spatio-temporal patterns of activity in cortical networks
In: Bower JM (ed) Computational Neuroscience – Trends in Research 1995, 261-266
Academic Press, San Diego, 1996 - Rotter S, Aertsen A
A point process approach to cortical networks
In: Kappen B, Gielen S (eds) Neural Networks: Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Applications, 59-62
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1995 - Rotter S, Aertsen A, Vaadia E
Neuronal interaction in the cortex – quantitative characterization by cross-interval statistics
In: Aertsen A (ed) Brain Theory: Spatio-Temporal Aspects of Brain Function, 231-239
Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1993 - Heck D, Rotter S, Aertsen A
Spike generation in cortical neurons: Probabilistic threshold function shows intrinsic and long-lasting dynamics
In: Aertsen A (ed) Brain Theory: Spatio-Temporal Aspects of Brain Function, 241-249
Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1993 - Hellwig B, Rotter S
On the relation between cyto- and myeloarchitectonics in the human cerebral cortex
In: Aertsen A (ed) Brain Theory: Spatio-Temporal Aspects of Brain Function, 281-289
Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1993
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Dynamic Simultaneous Multisite Photostimulation (DSMP)
Patent No. ZEE20050629 with German Patent and Trade Mark Office (GPTO)
Patent No. 05.019878.7 with European Patent Office (EPO)