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Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Freiburg (BCCN)

B3: Cellular and synaptic mechanisms of hippocampal interneuron network dynamics

Peter JonasG, Marlene BartosG and Imre VidaH

G = Institute of Physiology I
H = Anatomical Institute


Scientific background

Coherent oscillations in the gamma frequency range play an important role for temporal encoding of information in the brain. Several lines of evidence suggest that networks of mutually connected inhibitory interneurons are the generators of these oscillations. To test the mutual inhibition hypothesis of gamma oscillations, we examined the properties of the cellular and synaptic components of the interneuron network. We found that several experimental observations (e.g. fast inhibitory synaptic currents in interneurons) were inconsistent with the assumptions of existing interneuron network models. Therefore we began to develop interneuron network models based on realistic cellular and synaptic properties.



The goal of the project is to understand the cellular and synaptic mechanisms of gamma oscillations. To achieve this, we plan to develop an interneuron network model based on realistic assumptions about cellular morphology, active membrane conductances, and synaptic function. We want to examine the oscillatory properties of this interneuron network model and test its predictions in the slice preparation.