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Natalie Mrachaz-Kersting: Brain Computer Interfaces in Neurological Conditions

Institut für Sport und Sportwissenschaft der Universität Freiburg [Bernstein Seminar]
When Nov 02, 2021
from 05:15 PM to 06:00 PM
Where Zoom Lecture. Meeting ID and password will be sent with the invitation. You can also ask Fiona Siegfried for the access data.
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Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) have emerged as a promising tool for the restoration and replacement of lost motor function in patient populations. A variety of control signals have been extracted from the ongoing electroencephalographic (EEG signal) both in the frequency and time domain. In this talk I will present the approach we have taken from the basic idea and the underlying neurophysiology to the final BCI tested in clinical populations.

I will demonstrate why knowledge of the mechanisms behind memory and learning is vital for the development of rehabilitation technology, specifically BCIs, and further how factors such as plasticity induction, fatigue or even tremor may greatly impact on the system accuracy.  


 About the speaker 

Natalie Mrachaz-Kersting


 Hosted by

Carsten Mehring

Supported by

NeurexNeurex | InterNeuronEU Development FundEU Interreg


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