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Ulrich Egert: Emergence of Structure in Networks of Agentic Nodes

Department of Microsystems Enigineering - IMTEK [Bernstein Seminar]
When Jan 11, 2022
from 05:15 PM to 06:00 PM
Where Zoom-Vortrag! Die Zugangsdaten erhalten Sie mit der e-Mail-Einladung oder auf Anfrage bei Fiona Siegfried.
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Nodes in probably most real-world networks have an autonomous ability (agency) to control their interaction with other nodes. We developed a model of agentic nodes (agents) that migrate and grow to adjust an internal state property that depends on reciprocal interaction with the embedding  network. Homeostatic regulation of activity-dependent functions for migration velocity and growth rate creates continuously dynamic networks with a range of properties and structures observed in real-world networks. These hierarchical networks show pronounced clustering defining mesoscale structure and stability without topological hubs. This structure is subject to external influences (top-down) acting on node-level properties, illustrating how external factors can modulate self-organization. Our results suggest a new perspective on the development of spatial structure, connectivity and the impact of external influences in many natural systems.

 About the speaker and his research


Supported by

Carl Zeiss FoundationNeurexNeurex | InterNeuronEU Development FundEU Interreg


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