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David Golomb (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel) | Response of layer-4 circuits in the barrel cortex to whisking and touch
Located in Talks and Events / Bernstein Seminar / 2015
Demian Battaglia, Aix-Marseille Université: Neuronal dynamics and dynamics of information
Institute for Systems Neuroscience | Aix-Marseille Université and Visiting fellow | University of Strasbourg | Institute for Advanced Studies (USIAS) | Laboratory for Cognitive and Adaptive Neurosciences (LNCA)
Located in Talks and Events / Bernstein Seminar / 2021
Dierk F. Reiff (Dept. for Neurobiology / Animal Physiology, Institute Biology I, University Freiburg) | Neural circuits underlying visual processing and behavior in Drosophila: Recent progress and future perspectives
Located in Talks and Events / Bernstein Seminar / 2012
Dmitry Kobak (Champalimaud Neuroscience Programme, Lisbon, Portugal) | Dimensionality reduction of neural population data
Located in Talks and Events / Bernstein Seminar / 2015
Eberhard Fetz (University of Washington, Seattle) | Bidirectional interactions between the brain and implantable computers
Located in Talks and Events / Bernstein Seminar / 2014
Edward Stern, Neuronal Circuitry and Neurodegenerative Disease Laboratory, Gonda Multidisciplinary Brain Research Center, Bar-Ilan University | Neurophysiological dysfunction underlying Alzheimer’s
Bernstein Seminar
Located in Talks and Events / Bernstein Seminar / 2018
Eilon Vaadia, Director of the Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem | The Creative Brain and Brain Machine Interfaces
Special Bernstein Lecture
Located in Talks and Events / Bernstein Seminar / 2017
Etienne Burdet (Imperial College London) | Interaction control with unknown environments and humans
Located in Talks and Events / Bernstein Seminar / 2014
Eus JW Van Someren (Sleep & Cognition, Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience and VU University & Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
"Lying awake of insomnia: imaging causes and consequences" / Thursday, July 4, 2012, 17:15 h
Located in Talks and Events / Bernstein Seminar / 2012
Farzada Farkhooi: Irregular spiking and coherent population events in cortical network model
AG Neuroinformatik | Institut für Biologie | Neurobiologie | Freie Universität Berlin [Bernstein Seminar]
Located in Talks and Events / Bernstein Seminar / 2024